Why Upgrade to Microsoft 365?

We have talked about how Microsoft 365 is more than just email. Data protection solutions, cybersecurity, and how to avoid cybersecurity threats have all been hot IT topics in New Zealand the last few months.

However, it seems as if a lot of us who either have it or are considering it may not realise the full value. We thought we would make a plain and simple list to help. That way you can either become curious about other benefits or make a clear decision about whether it’s best for you to upgrade to Microsoft 365.

Continue reading “Why Upgrade to Microsoft 365?”

Are you a Health Practitioner?

Keep your IT Safe Through Privacy Tracking and Reporting.

If you are involved in the health sector based in New Zealand, now is a good time to brush up on making sure your IT is safe and you are tracking and reporting in alignment with the Privacy code of 2020. Why? Let’s just say the hefty fine ($350k+) is best avoided. We wanted to reach out to let you know specifically who this impacts, and most importantly, we wanted to bring your attention to Rule Number 5. First things first… Continue reading “Are you a Health Practitioner?”

The Data Protection Solution

How Microsoft DLP could help keep your data safe.

If you are a health practitioner, accountant, lawyer, marketer, or you deal with client’s sensitive information on a daily basis, its really important to have a very clear understanding of how, as a [location] business, you are going to keep your client’s information safe. With so many warnings that cybersecurity is on the rise, it’s really important for [location] business to have this part of their IT support sorted with confidence. Continue reading “The Data Protection Solution”
